Thursday, October 7, 2010

No idea...

I think it is interesting... I could spout out hundreds of ideas when I don't need them - I have even considered starting "Ideas R Us" :-D - but speculating about the NaNoWriMo makes me shut up.
It feels so final...

I know it's not final. I just need something so that I can start working with the preparations... but it's totally empty in my head...


Aleta said...

I'm participating with NaBloWriMo right now and a tiny little voice inside my head wants to do NaNoWriMo, but ummm... I'm not a writer. I'm just a blogger. I don't know how people write that much or where to get inspiration from! It amazes me.

Danette said...

Hello Fellow NaBloWriMo writer! Some days are like that for writers too-- the words won't come. Hemingway suffered from it as did others. It's very discouraging but you try again the next day. Blogging is it's own world and really it's yours to make what you will of it. Good luck!