Saturday, October 10, 2020

NaNoPrepMo - practical stuffs

So, what are you going to use to write your book with? Is your Scrivener in order? Do you have enough paper and ink? Is your typewriter fitted with fresh ink tape? Maybe not that, but you need to have a fresh backup system, memory card, stick, what ever you plan using. Are your charging cords and other such apparatus in order? Clean up your harddrive and folders. Prepare Pinterest. Set up the cork board and whiteboard and all that jazz.
Because you have had a couple of test drives, you know how you prefer to write, with what, when, where, and what you want to have. Now it's time to see that you have that.
If you can't get that right now, write it on to-do list and shopping list, so that you have it done before November.
Everything has to be ready on 30st of October, so that you can just sit down at midnight and start writing. (Or get up at 5 A.M. on November 1st, give yourself a cuppa and go write. What ever works for you.)

It's also time to start training your body to do the physical work needed. If you need to get up at 5 A.M. start now. Don't wait until November. If you need to take a walk in the middle of the day, start training so that you know you have good shoes, adequate clothing, and are fit enough for the walk to have the desired effect. 

Take care of any work you can do in advance.
- schedule blog posts
- clean the house properly, so that maintaining is just some five minutes here and five minutes there. Like, you get the kitchen cleaned when you prepare the breakfast, you get the bathroom cleaned when you brush your teeth, and so on, so that you don't need to care about the house when you write, without it meaning you need to clean a huge mess the first week of December.
- plan the meals for the whole November and make freezer meals.

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