Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Can you tell I'm procrastinating?


Hart Johnson said...

*snort* I'd seen the second of these, but not the first--very funny.

Just remember, why spend time procrastinating when you can be procrastinakeding?

Ketutar said...

LoL Procrastinuding...
Opposite to you and my hubby, I don't like baths :-D

Anonymous said...

I have always thought of it as a symptom of something akin to my brain or my soul telling me I need to breath.

Naturally there are always things, boring things, that constantly gets pushed ahead into tomorrow or out of mind.

But if I have a story, and I don't write it or add to it, and find other things to do instead, like tinkering with a cover or an illustration, it is probably because I 1. need to take/allow myself a break or 2. I have written myself into a corner, and need to play a game of mental ping-pong to get out of that corner, or 3. I have bashed myself so much over the head with 'criticism' that my story no longer seems worth it.

Get it?

We have a right to laugh and fool around, and shouldn't feel bad about watching silly videos for a couple of hours just to avoid brain damage due to wordcountitis.