Saturday, October 17, 2020

NaNoPrepMo - Soundtrack

 I don't usually do this, I like to read and write in silence, but some people do, and you might find it inspiring as well. So I did this for this year.

I chose the soundtrack from a movie that is similar to what I am writing, and start playing that, saving the songs that fit the writing on a separate playlist, saved songs and music pieces that I came to think about, looked at the recommendations of similar pieces, listened to other soundtracks, and this is what I ended up with. I look at it a bit like a soundtrack of the movie my book will become :-D

How to make a writing playlist for your novel

How to Create a Novel Soundtrack for your Book

How To Create an Awesome Music Playlist For Your Novel

A Personalized Soundtrack for Your Novel: Creating Writing Playlists

How (and Why) to Make a Book Playlist 

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