Monday, October 5, 2020

NaNoPrepMo - Synopsis

What ever you call them, synopsis, summary, blurb, logline, one-sentence pitch... I want you to know your story so well that you can write all and any of these quickly and easily, that you have this clear for you. Use this day to play with this. Google "how to write..." all of these, and test the advice.

The 20 word synopsis from the Snowflake method
The full paragraph synopsis from the Snowflake method
You write the book synopsis these links are talking about.

"A 500-word long spoiler for your entire novel. Every major plot twist. Every major character. Any big turning point. Your big climactic scenes. They’re all there, briefly, succinctly and (yes) a little drily narrated."

7 Keys to a Great Pitch

How to Write an Elevator Pitch

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