Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The TBR book tag

How do you keep track of your TBR pile? 

I don't.
I have some books at GoodReads, I have a draft in this blog where I put in books I'm interested in, I have wishlists in some online bookstores, I had a board at Pinterest, but I'm trying to quit that, so I don't have that any longer, I have written lists... it's all very unorganized and I have forgotten more books I wanted to read than I have on my list. :-(
I used to have a book shelf for TBR, but it was filled too quickly :-D

Is your TBR mostly print or ebook? 

Doesn't matter. I read them in any format I can get my greedy hands on.

How do you determine which book from your TBR to read next? 

Randomly :-D When I happen to come across with a book on my TBR list and I have time, I want to read and feel like reading that specific book.
Sometimes I participate in a reading challenge, and then I go to my TBR first to pick the books for the challenge

A Book That's Been On Your TBR List The Longest 

Eh... Uh... as I said, there's more books I have forgotten, so I can't answer this question, but some of the oldest TBRs are:

Johnny Maxwell series by Terry Pratchett
Ken Follett's Kingsbridge sequels
Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Cycle
Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time
Mary Stewart's Merlin

A Book You Recently Added To Your TBR 

The Twenty Days of Turin

A Book In Your TBR Strictly Because Of Its Beautiful Cover 

 There are those. I'm a sucker for amazing covers...
But let me talk to you about two of them.
Discovery of Witches and Pride. Both got to my TBR because of the covers, and both were very disappointing.

A Book On Your TBR That You Never Plan on Reading

I plan reading every book on my TBR list. Why would it otherwise be on the list? What a stupid question!
I do own books I don't plan on reading, but they aren't on my TBR list.

An Unpublished Book On Your TBR That You’re Excited For

The Seven Sisters by Neil Gaiman

A Book On Your TBR That Basically Everyone’s Read But You

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern - though I am reading it now, so it probably doesn't count...
Stephen King's books. I think I have only read a couple of those, or perhaps only one...

A Book On Your TBR That Everyone Recommends To You

I don't get much book recommendations.

A Book On Your TBR That You’re Dying To Read

Frankly, I'm excited to read all of them, why would they otherwise be on my TBR list?
But N.K.Jemisin's The City We Became is very high on top.

How many books are on your TBR shelf?

There are 835 books on my GoodReads Want To Read -list. And about as many not on that list...

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