Thursday, December 30, 2021

Reading challenges for 2022, part II

Now, I'm not Christian, and some of these prompts are pretty... awful to me. But I love the idea of "Light", "Avid", "Committed" and "Obsessed", and some of the prompts are interesting. So... if you are interested, replace the prompts you don't like with ones you like :-D 
It's not serious. It's just a reading challenge.

Light (1 book every 4 weeks)
A book for children or teens
A memoir or autobiography
A novel
A book by a woman
A book by a man
A book published prior to 2000
A book with the word "gospel" in the title or subtitle
A book with an image of a person on the cover

A book about a current social issue
A book published in 2021 or 2022
A book about suffering
A book about Christian living
A book of your choice

Avid (1 book every 2 weeks)
A book written by a Puritan
A book recommended by a family member
A book about a current issue
A novel that won a prize
A book with more than one author
A book with at least 400 pages
A book by an author who was alive in the 1800s
A book that has a name in the title
A book on a bestseller list
A book about a book of the Bible
A book about theology
A book about Christian living
A book of your choice

Committed (one book every week)
A book from a theological viewpoint you disagree with
A book by someone you think you could be friends with
A book that won an award
A book about relationships
A book by Jane Austen or one of her contemporaries
A book of poetry
A book based on a true story
A book with a photograph on the cover
A softcover book
A book with 100 pages or less
A book with a two-word title
A devotional book
A novel set in a country that is not your own
A book about art or music
A book of Christian fiction
A book about something fun
A book by a female Christian author
A book whose title comes from a Bible verse
A book by a living author who's 70 or older
A self-improvement book
A book set during a war
A book you own but have never read
A book about euthanasia or abortion
A book about theology
A book about something interesting
A book of your choice

Obsessed (2 books every week)
A book about something that fascinates you
A book about a historic figure or event
A book about public speaking
A book about animals OR geography
A book about sports OR art
A book about marriage OR friendship
A book about parenting OR retirement
A book about adoption/foster care OR singleness
A dystopian novel OR a book of comics
A detective novel OR a war novel
A book about theology OR psychology
A book about a Christian perspective on Islam
A book you don't want to read but think you should
A book about business OR generosity
A book about science OR worldview
A book about sin OR revival
A book about the natural world
A book about the local church
A book that challenges your thinking on a topic
A book by a male conference speaker
A book by a female conference speaker
A book about history
A book by your favorite author
A book you have read before
A book about love
A Christian novel
A book about theology
A book about Christian living
A book of your choice
An author's debut book
A book about a leader
A book about the Bible
A book about a region, country, or city
A book set in a country not your own
A book you think your mom or dad would enjoy
A book by or about a missionary
A book written by a European author
A book about a non-controversial subject
A book about words or language
A book more than 100 years old
A book your pastor recommends
A book written by an author you've never read before
A book about something virtuous
A book that you borrow from someone or somewhere
A book about spiritual disciplines
A book you have always wanted to read
A book about sports or an athlete
A book with a great cover
A biography, memoir, or autobiography
A book about theology
A book about Christian living
A book of your choice

Baker's Dozen: 13 books in a year

A new book (Less than 15 years old)
An old book (Older than 30 years)
A specifically Christian title
A biography
A fantasy/science fiction book
A mystery book
A realistic fiction book
A historical fiction book
A nonfiction book
A graphic novel
A book recommended by a family member
A book recommended on Redeemed Reader
A book of your choice

Quarterback Challenge: baker's dozen + dozen - 25 books in a year

Above list +

A book older than your grandparents (published before 1950)
A biography about a notable Christian
Another mystery book, from a different series
A nonfiction book about a hobby you like
A fairy tale or a folk tale
A picture book
A book about or set in a different culture than your own
A book recommended by someone at your church or school (friend or acquaintance)
A starred review book from Redeemed Reader
3 books of your choice

Weekly Reader Challenge: 50 books in a year

Previous books +

A book published in 2022
A classic
A book from a Christian publisher
A book of the Bible
A book by a professing Christian
A biography of a scientist/inventor
A classic fantasy/science fiction book
A book with a dragon or another magical creature
A historical fiction book set during a time period studied this year in school
A nonfiction book about a historical event
A nonfiction book about science or nature
An award winner
A story about school
A book about sports
A book that has been turned into a movie
A book of poetry
A book 10 times as long as your age
A book recommended by a friend (or read with a friend)
A "family read aloud" book reviewed on Redeemed Reader
Fill in the rest with any book of your choice

Grand Slam: 100 books in a year

the previous +

A book by a living author
A book older than 50 years
A book older than 100 years
A devotional
A book about church history
A book about Christmas or Easter
A biography of an artist, author, musician
A biography of a world leader
A book from the library
Another mystery book
A nonfiction book about a different country
Another graphic novel
A fairy tale or folk tale from a different culture
A book about a different race or culture than your own
A book targeting the opposite gender or with the MC of the opposite gender
A book about a family
A book about space or ocean
A book about animals
A book about art
A book about the civil rights movement or the civil war
A book about food/a cookbook
Another book that has been turned into a movie
A verse novel
A play, a drama, or a book about Shakespeare
A magazine 
A book from a trilogy or longer series
A book with a great cover
A family favorite book
An audiobook
A picture book reviewed on Redeemed Reader
A book from a Redeemed Reader booklist
A "discussion starter" book from Redeemed Reader
A book from RR's summer reading program
3 books by the same author
fill in with books of your choice

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