Monday, April 29, 2024

TBR game

 I have been binging the TBR game videos on Youtube :-D

I love the complicated things where people need to do tons of different things, like spin a wheel, cards, tbr jars and everything :-D

To fit these to my TBR list - which is extensive, as you all know - I think I need to do a couple of things.

1) I participate in several reading challenges. I'm obsessed with them. I love reading prompts and trying to find books I'd want to read that fulfill the prompt. 

So - I have 5 book-a-week challenges, so I could make each a tbr jar, and pick a prompt from each for each week, and then either read them in one book or more if needed... that would be interesting.

I have my fantasy reading challenge.

2) Then there are the prompts that involve counting bookshelves and books on shelves... That is not a good idea for my shelves, as I don't have shelves of physical books I haven't read. But I have over 1000 books on my digital TBR list. I could divide them into shelves, and use that.
I have enough books on my TBR list to have 24 shelves with over 60 books in each, so I could use the time prompt. (What's the time, hour is the bookshelf, minutes the book)

3) I need to pick out all the series from my TBR list, and number them. (I mean, #1, #2, etc.)

4) genre

5) I have books in different "lists", like on Kindle, Netgalley, etc.

6) There are lists I want to do, like Are You Well Read in World Literature? 

7) There's always the Dewey Decimal System :-D

Also, the "punishment" of not having read a book that was on the list.
You have to read it the next month, you have to exchange one book from the TBR list for that, and IF you don't read it, you have to remove it from your TBR list.

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